How do I get in touch with brokers?

The AgFlow Network is one of the key reasons to use the AgFlow platform. We are not a trading platform, but we can still enable you to make key relationships within the AgFlow Network.

To do so, please click on PriceDiscovery on the left menu and select Network to view all available contributors, sort from A to Z. You can select a commodity on the top left of the page to filter contributors depending on your interest.

Then, by clicking on any contributor's name, you will see full details and how to get in touch with this particular person. Alternatively, you can contact your account manager at AgFlow, and we can make a full personable introduction.

The other way to access a specific contributor is to click on the contributor's name on one of the many pages of the platform. Indeed, on the Market Signals, Trends, Quotes, and Tickers pages, the contributors' names are directly accessible for your convenience.

Trends Contributors' Name